
Why book with Miraviva

  • Dedicated focus from knowledgeable and trusted Latin America experts

    We only cover Latin America, offering high-end accommodation and experiences for individuals, couples, families and small groups of friends. As this is our sole focus, we have directed our full resources to this specific market niche, without the distraction of other avenues of work.

    We work with some of Latin America’s best guides and hosts. In many cases, our guides are highly qualified individuals who are specialists in their respective fields – for example in gastronomy, art, architecture and archaeology.

  • Up-to-date honest, independent advice

    We have visited and assessed over 300 boutique hotels, eco-lodges, private villas, converted historic properties, luxurious train journey and expedition cruises across eight Latin American nations since September 2012. And with new properties opening all the time, we are continuing our research on an ongoing basis.

    Few other tour operators will have so much real time first-hand information of high-end experiences in Latin America. We only recommend accommodation that we have visited personally, and we offer completely impartial advice based on our own inspections and information.

  • Genuinely hand-crafted itineraries

    We like to meet our guests to get to know your interests, passions, likes and dislikes and we will work closely with you at all stages of the planning of your holiday to ensure a seamless experience . We listen to your wishes and based on our knowledge of you and our knowledge of the products and offerings in Latin America we use our experience to tailor an itinerary to suit your needs, tastes and interests as closely as possible.

    We publish some sample itineraries on this website as examples, but each itinerary is specifically tailored to you, our guest. We can advise you on the most effective routings, avoiding unnecessary stopovers, and can match the accommodation available to your personal taste.

  • Competitive pricing

    Typically there are no additional costs to you for having the benefit of our advice, compared with booking it yourself. In some cases we can plan and arrange the trip more cost effectively than you would be able to on your own. The high-end Latin American market is not easy for individuals to book directly with full success. Our inspections found a number of hotels that looked good on the Internet, but were, frankly, disappointing – for a variety of different reasons.

    Being a small company we do not have the overheads of larger tour operators and we can also offer a very personal service. If you think that we are charging you more for accommodation or services than you can find directly, we are happy to look at the difference and see if we can remedy the situation.

  • 100% financial protection.

    Miraviva Travel Ltd is ATOL Bonded and your money is completely safe. If you book direct with companies in Latin America, or through a non-bonded company in the UK, your money is at risk and you have no financial protection. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.

  • 24 / 7 emergency phone cover

    We provide a full emergency back-up service, both from ourselves and through our local partner companies on the ground, in case you have any difficulties whilst you are away.

  • Responsible Travel

    Wherever possible, we try to ensure that the benefits of tourism are not offset by its negative impacts – with respect to both the environment and to local communities. We offer our guests the chance to offset the carbon emissions caused by their long-haul flights. Where possible, we also choose to work with local partners that have a commitment to ensuring that local communities benefit from tourism.

To talk to us about your next adventure, give us a call or send us a message.